Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps Preventative Care

What are Nasal Polyps?

Nasal Polyps are soft, painless growth in your sinuses or nasal passages. They result from chronic inflammation of your nasal lining for a prolonged period of time. When these linings are inflamed, it leads to an accumulation of mucus and because of gravity these hang down like tear drops or grapes filled with mucus/water.


The Nasal Polyps symptoms are very similar to regular cold or seasonal allergies. However, seasonal cold and allergies last for a 2-4 weeks but if you feel you keep getting the cold and stuffy nose then it is time to consult with your ENT specialist. Your otolaryngologist can do an endoscopic examination of your sinuses to check for any polyps. The more you wait the higher the chances of polyps growing bigger and the more difficult it is to get them treated with medicines. You find it difficult to breath through your nose, which can hamper your sleep and lifestyle.


The medical science is not able to answer the exact root causes for Nasal Polyps, however, studies have shown that people with some existing diseases are at higher risk of getting polyps developed in their nasal cavities. People suffering from Asthma, Aspirin allergies, Allergic Fungal Sinusitis, Cystic Fibrosis and Vitamin D deficiency. Your family medical history may also play a role in getting nasal polyps.

Nasal polyps are developed as a result of a reaction by our immune system to some foreign elements. Our immune system is trying to protect us from harmful allergens which occasionally lead to nasal polyps.


There are multiple treatments available to treat nasal polyps, but there are high chances of them coming back.

Steroids are one of the ways to treat nasal polyps but using them for a longer period is not good for you overall health. Steroids function by suppressing your immune system to react to allergens and shrink the nasal polyps, as a result your breathing is back to normal for the duration when steroid is in effect. However, as soon as you stop taking steroids, they can come back and block your nasal cavities again and you find it difficult to breath through your nose.

1. Nasal sprays - your doctor may recommend some steroid based nasal sprays to shrink and remove polyps. But if your polyps are bigger then it is difficult to treat with just sprays.

2. Oral Steroids - your doctor may also prescribe some oral steroids to suppress immune system response. Not recommended as a long term solution

3. Natural home remedies - Nasal irrigation, hot steam, humidifier. These remedies may help sometimes, but if your condition is severe then it can only provide temporary relief from congestion.

4. Nasal Polyps Endoscopic Surgery - If you have bigger polyps then your doctor will recommend a surgery to remove all polyps from your nose. The results of the surgery can be more permanent and some people do not get polyps back if you follow the preventative care.

Preventative Care

Once your nasal polyps are treated either through medication or surgery, you should follow some daily lifestyle changes to prevent them from coming back. You have to make sure to not let your sinus linings inflamed for long duration, else it may again lead to polyps.

1. Doctor’s recommended - Daily 2-4 times nasal irrigation using saline water, Fluticasone nasal spray ( twice a day or as recommended by your doctor)

2. Breathing Exercises - Some of the aerobic and breathing exercises may prove to be very helpful in preventing and treating nasal polyps and other sinus related diseases.

  • Aerobic Exercises - Walking, jogging, running and other cardio exercises keep your lungs and airways healthy.
  • Breathing Exercises - PRANAYAM has shown positive results for some patients with sinuses and polyps. It is good to practice all 7 of them daily, if not, then Anulom Vilom, Kapal Bhaati and Bhastrika Pranayams are highly recommended for people with Sinus related problems.

3. Eating Habits - If you are prone to cold then do not eat/drink cold food and beverages, your body may take longer to generate enough heat to process that food and there are high chances that your nasal linings get inflamed again. This lead to a high risk of polyps coming back. Limit eating yoghurts, white rice and if possible avoid eating ice creams and other cold food. Drink only lukewarm water and warm/hot food to comfort your body and sinuses.

Take care of your gut lining, as most diseases start from there, avoid/limit eating highly processed food. Eat more immunity booster foods like green vegetables, nuts, fruits rich in vitamin C, immunity booster supplements, vitamin D, high fiber food, ginger ( as it has anti histamine properties), turmeric milk ( raw turmeric is even more beneficial, use that if its available, else a regular turmeric powder is also good).

4. Lifestyle Changes - Get tested for any allergies, wear face masks in polluted and dusty areas, during pollen season ( if you are allergic), practice good hygiene, wash your hands, do not touch your face/nose often, avoid close contact with people suffering from any allergies or cold, AVOID using cleaning solutions with sprays as its particle may get into your nose and cause inflammation, use masks/gloves when cleaning with high power cleaners, AVOID spray based room fresheners, use humidifiers but do not exceed the humidity beyond 50%, avoid living in damp spaces as it may cause mold and irritate your sinuses, go out in sun, breath fresh air.

And make it a point that a Happy and positive mind set can cure all the illnesses.

Shubham Garg
Shubham Garg
Machine Learning Leader

My research interests include utilizing AI to solve ambiguous problems - Natural Language Generation, Conversational AI, techable and explainable AI.