Take a day off: Self-care day

Looking after your mental health

In this complex world, every person is busy in something, even if the person is not busy, then he/she is busy in doing nothing. Many of the people get burndown from this continuously running lives. There are never-ending lists of office works, home works, things you wanted to do, things you wish to work on. But we never get time to do those, and those keep on pending.

Anytime you feel overwhelm and not able to focus on task, it is better to take a day off for self-care. A mental health day doesn’t always mean that there is something seriously wrong with your mental health.

  1. Tackling your to-do list around the house, so that those things cannot give you stress later on.

  2. Doing activities that make you feel good - taking a yoga class, reading a book, going for a walk.

  3. Maybe start forming a habit to carry into future - meditating, journaling

  4. If nothing is helping, use mental-health day to find a therapist.

Shubham Garg
Shubham Garg
Machine Learning Leader

My research interests include utilizing AI to solve ambiguous problems - Natural Language Generation, Conversational AI, techable and explainable AI.